Friday, March 31, 2006

"yeah yeah yeah"

Life is peachy. I had a fun ballet class, then went to the pub with and drank wine and acted silly. I wanted everyone to come but there was only 3 of us, plus one (her boyfriend). I'm going to have a dinner party and we're going to eat cheese and drink port. Sweet. I went home and N was waiting for me and I got to hold him all night. I danced around my room (which I desperately tidied this morning as it was a foot deep in clothes) for half an hour and then went to work where I had an email from Lul saying she'd GOT MARRIED and was living in Beirut and planning to move to Malawi. And an email from my brother saying my mum had caught our younger brother in bed with his girlfriend. Hilarity.

Now I have a week off work and everything is brilliant. I am going to the pub to apologise to S for scaring the crap out of her. Tomorrow we are going to Primark and to do cultural things ("you mean Primark isn't cultural?").

Life would be complete if anyone could remind me of the name of the book with the cow that got on the barge and went to Amsterdam... I loved that book. Please pretty please!!

The next entry I will try to use longer sentences. Cos I'm intellectual. Innit.

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