Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Public announcement

My blog seems to have turned into some sort of portal where everyone can ask me to say that I love them and then I write an entry where I say how fabulous they are. S just said: "So. Like. Yeah, I think you ought to mention what an amazing human being I am in your blog"

I've told her before- it's all about you!! Silly girl. It really is. I am half tempted to go through the whole damn thing and find every entry about her and copy and paste to a great big S love fest. I did just scroll through and see what I should put in, but I think that would be a bad idea because 1) I would look like a stalker and 2) there's some things I don't want to re-post as we just laugh about that now.

Anyway. S. I met her last year in the library, which doesn't sound like a promising place to meet lovely people, but in this case it was. I was trying to write my dissertation. She was writing assessment essays. We spent about fifteen hours a day in the library and smoked lots of cigarettes together outside every night and told each other our life stories. She was so good to me when I was convinced I was going to fail (like, every 5 minutes) and when I went a bit loopy through not sleeping, and I hope I was nice to her too. I must have been alright because she still wants to be my friend. She's fantastic, but just as silly as me. Maybe that's why we're friends? She's far cooler than me though.

I think S deserves to have everything in the world that she's ever wanted, and I would do anything for her. I think everyone should love her, and if someone was mean to her I would kick them in the shins. Or be really mean to them. Which I've done before (not the kicking in the shins).

Big hugs to S.... I am going to stop now as I sound like ingratiatingly awful. I don't mean to sound like that. I just have a whole lot of love for S xxxx

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