Friday, April 06, 2007

Yeah, well just watch out you don't end up in a bath of sand.

Four day weekend ooooooh yeeeeeeaaaaaah. And it's warm. And we're going to Hampstead Heath and I'm going to go in the ponds. And loads of other cool stuff is happening this weekend.

The night before last I watched "Ultimate Boy Party" and so spent quite a lot of time at work yesterday slapping my face. Then we got worried that maybe the really sweet Chinese girl who sits next to me is disgusted by all our talk of gay porn. I can only console myself with the thought that I'm a gora and therefore morally suspect from the beginning. No respect, etc. Anyway, work descended into marshmallow throwing, and chump-face (irritating boy opposite me) came up with some bullshit idea about eco-forfeits or something. I have found that putting in my headphones when he starts talking is quite effective, even if my mp3 player isn't on. It's a psychological thing. He's just such an awful person - and such a misogynist. I can't wait until he leaves to join his crappy accountancy firm. Maybe then he'll find people he can actually respect (just as long as they fit his blinkered world view of who is superior to him etc).

Anyway, after work I went to Zhao Laoshi's birthday. It was full of journalists - and my teacher, who studiously ignored me. It was a bit weird actually, the whole situation. P was being a bit funny with me - again - and only seemed to act like he didn't think I was the most annoying person he knew when he was talking to someone else who he clearly thought was even MORE boring than me. I'm getting a bit tired of all these silly games. When I told him about my birthday, he sort of laughed at me. Now, okay, maybe I overanalyse... but why would I try and see that in someone? He clearly thought it was a stupid idea. Meh. Eventually M and D turned up, which was cool because they're lovely and at least I know where I am with them. They may be far younger than P, but they act in a far more mature and straight forward way. Unfortunately I had to leave soon after they got there :(

#1's leaving drinks were quite fun, yet more journalists, and a lot of drunken silliness. We got invited to France. Eventually me and #1's gentleman friend dragged her home, where I licked her face, and she licked my ear. Then the fuckwit in the flat above ours played some shite music ALL FUCKING NIGHT.

I'm might walk over to Peckham now. Peckham is officially safer than Oxford Street, but these snobs won't believe me. Oh well, I win.

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