Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Some questions

Do you know what is shit? Sharing bandwidth. It's so slow, especially if you're used to living by yourself and having the broadband to yourself.

Do you know what else is shit? Feeling really lonely in your house. #1 and #4 were playing Jenga, wrapped up in a tablecloth. I sat on the fire escape and smoked and felt shit. But I didn't let them know, you should never let people know.

Do you know why I am stupid? I turned down the chance to hang out with Kevin Spacey.

Do you know what else is stupid? Reading old emails. I don't know why I thought that would be a good plan.

Meh. And I drank cows milk sort of by accident.


Anonymous said...

*waves* Hope you're okay. Sharing bandwidth is only lame when people aren't responsible enough to limit their download rates.. Anyway, it depends on how pro your router is, but some have a magic feature called Quality of Service (QoS) which enforces nicer sharing of the resource, meaning that web pages are quick, even when you have people downloading lots and lots of porn *ahem* music.. o.O

Pottachan said...

To be honest, I think it's me using most of the bandwidth, but the web is still so slow (not downloading stuff though, which seems okay, it's just pages loading that take aaaaaaaaaaages). Or at least, it's slower than my work computer, which is much slower than my old internet connection, so I blame a combination of sharing the bandwidth and that it's aol, which sucks. I guess I could try downloading less porn/music.

Meh. I'll live.

Anonymous said...

You read old emails? Not a plan. I did this the other day but it made guffaw maniacally. People eh.

whats the deal with cows milk?

Pottachan said...

Well really I only read one email. But it made me very sad, which I guess it shouldn't have as things worked out far better than anyone thought they would at the time of that email. It just ignited all the usual worries I have and I remembered just how desolate everything seemed at that time and in the following weeks. I wish I had guffawed. God, I'm such a misery guts!!

I'm not drinking cows milk because it has started to gross me out. Did you know it has a pus content of up to 12%? I'm still eating cheese though (I guess- I haven't eaten any since the weekend) so it's not like I'm vegan or owt.

Anonymous said...

Well then it shouldnt make you sad. It should make you guffaw and 'Hurrah' for 'anyone' was all wrong and you can be a smug as you wish.

Also its not a winner to look back like that because you cant help but take everything out of context - and that is a) futile and b) futile.

If all is well now, then dont be a silly. There are enough things to make people sad without digging them up yourself. (just call me emo symo)

Cows milk has pus in it? Bleuch. But Im glad youre not vegan. Veganism is just wierd. (Shurrup Daisy)

I love you hats with your fancy cheese.