Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Being pissed is blatantly well better than sobriety. A bottle of wine and 5 pints later and it's somehow hilarious to hide your housemates sandwiches and leave a note in the fridge saying "ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ah fuck it, it's birthdays, and normal rules DO NOT APPLY.

I met up with K and B and we had a bottle of wine each and I laughed so hard I nearly cried, except for the fact my other friend is moving home to his mums at the age of 32. Still, he'll get fed, so not a bad deal. In fact- lovely jubbly. Then my pet (ie. #1) called and we went to the Comm and got pissed and so much hilarity ensued and I swear I spent a good half hour saying "oh my god!". But so much fun. Don't fuck with us. Or, at the risk of sounding like Jesus in the The Big L, "we're gonna fuck you up". Via the medium of women's magazines. No wI am listening to Nelly Furtado again cos she is so blatantly THE SEX. And yeah, I'm going to have a hangover tomorrow, and yeah, having a haircut will be a challenge, if not hell. But yeah, tomorrow we are going to looooooooooooooooooooooooooooose the pub quiz.


Anonymous said...

You're on fire Hats :)

Pottachan said...

I'm a pisshead, that's what. Then I got up at 6 am so I could spy on my housemate to see the reaction when he saw his sandwiches were missing. I'm such a paragon of sensibility.