Saturday, June 03, 2006

Columbia? I love India!!

So, the coolest thing in the world happened yesterday. I met up with A for a couple of drinks yesterday which was really fun. I have been missing him lots and he made me laugh so much, what with his Filipino sister-in-law, and the Happy Shopper version of Erum and some talk of Tibetans. And did you know that men are really stereotypical women? But of course, that's why they're misogynistic lads.

Then I went to the Elephant to wait for my bus. I say my bus but really it's not my bus. Which makes the whole thing even weirder. A girl with a violin came along and I thought "hmmm she looks familiar", but I figured many people look like many other people and I thought no more of it. The bus came and everyone crowded to get onto it.

The girl tapped me on the shoulder. "Is your name Harriet?" she asked.

I nodded and my mind started working really fast to try and figure out who this familiar girl was. "Did you go to the Royal College of Music?" she asked.

"OH MY GOD!! AMY!" I shrieked and hugged her. I haven't seen Amy in years, since we were 17 and we sat together in orchestra and we were the "naughty kids" cos we smoked outside the Royal Albert Hall and we had silly colour hair and all that.

She was getting the same bus, and we sat together and chatted about what the fuck we'd done since we last saw each other, and it turns out that I met her ex boyfriend when I went to visit my friend D in Oxford, and she went to uni with my cousin. Now she's a comedian and musician and all this crazy stuff. I badly wish I'd kept in touch with her properly because she's probably the coolest and nicest person I have ever met. But I kind of spazzed out and didn't keep in touch with anyone, and all the people I knew back then, I don't see anymore. But all my RCM friends are going to meet up and it will be fucking awesome.

Anyway, so Amy is doing some sketches at the Bonkersfest in Camberwell today, so she was going to stay at a friends house in south London, rather than her own house in Kentish Town. As the bus turned onto Southampton Way, I said "this is my bus stop" and she said "me too".

If it wasn't the festival thing, if I had decided to go to Strawberry Fair, if I hadn't met up with A for a drink, if the 343 hadn't taken so long to come... So many if's but it's like something is saying "okay, you were stupid and you didn't keep in touch with all these people but you've served your time now and you can see them again". Fate, whatever. I don't care.

I was so unhappy for so many years but in the last six months everything in my whole life has really come together, and it honestly makes me so happy. I've never had anything so good as I have now and I am so full of happiness and love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This my favourite entry ever. Hats I love you, with your stupid card quotes.

(Plus I got one of the in jokes!
Circle of Trust. Me. Get in)