Thursday, June 22, 2006


Yesterday I had a conversation that went like this: "I'm so miserable. I'm scared of everything. I'm really lonely. I don't know whether I want to go to uni. Everything is rubbish. Booo!" and then I cried for ages.

Having felt like utter shit for the last couple of days, I woke up this morning in so much pain. Any light and/or noise is excutiating. My glands are swollen like a hamster and my ear is super painful. And I can't stand up! I have no balance and am completely disorientated.

I went to the doctor and she said I had a virus that is making my brain and head swell up and that there might be some excess fluid on my brain. Because it's a virus, there are no drugs I can take. BUT my doctor is a super doctor lady who knows about Chinese medicine and all kinds of stuff, and has told me that I have to drink a vile smelling ginger drink every couple of hours.

But worse... this is what I am allowed to eat for the next week:

-peeled apples
-mashed potato

That's it. No dairy, so no cheese. Why don't you kill me now? I'm going back to bed now because I feel r-o-u-g-h.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah ha, BOO! Thats no good! Well, I have an industrial size box of 'Smash' from when I went on a soup and mash diet but then I forgot about the mash because lentil soup is SO good.

What was I saying? Yeah, I'll come round and bring mash and amusing anecdotes if you want some company? Aw, love! And dont feel bad about having somebody look after you either because I am very bored and only spend my days getting drubk and/or taking emo photos of myself. You poor thing with your achey brain! xxxxxx

Love you lots xx