Saturday, March 03, 2007

The exclamation mark is overrated.

I must remember not to eat cheese before bed. And especially not Cheesestrings (yeah yeah I know, not real food, whatevs). I had the weirdest dreams last night, where, amongst other things, I could have sworn that I was on a water bed. And I dreamt about sex a lot. I hate having such vivid dreams because it takes me ages to figure out what was a dream and what was real, and some things I never figure out. Damn medication is fucking with me.

Just now I felt like I was choking on something in my mouth, and it turns out that I had paper in my mouth. Which I suppose must mean that I've been eating paper in my sleep. When I was really really small, I started choking and my mum couldn't figure out what it was, and I turned blue because nothing was working... Until my mum put her finger in my mouth and found some cellophane. I suppose why there are always warnings to "keep away from children of under 36 months" (is that the object, or is that advice for life in general?). Still, that was my near death experience. My brother has much better stories.

This week's been pretty cool actually. I've done a lot of grammar, I learnt the word for shark, I had the most awesome talk with someone, I've hung out... Downsides (because there is inevitably is one): I haven't done much reading, I have done no washing/cleaning, one of my friends is being a bit weird with me, and the secret bad-thing is carrying on with no end in sight. Last night was fun, as M had us round for dinner and we have agreed to go to Paris in August, and to go camping sometime in June. I think M got a bit freaked out by so many girls in his house, talking about girl stuff. It was cool though, I like people at uni more and more. 越来越 , as I've been endlessly copying out recently.

Today I'm off to the countryside to hang out with my mum, who has fully recovered from the Auschwitz/chest infection/hallucination drama. It's little Lamb's birthday.

I need to read more books.

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