Monday, November 28, 2005

Friday night, part 1

My weekend passed all too quickly. It's funny, as for a time on Saturday, I felt like it was going so slowly. I don't interest or entertain myself anymore. Time alone stretches on far longer than is necessary.

On Friday, we went to the pub for a colleague's leaving drinks. We always go to the same pub on a Friday. Actually, that's not entirely true. We used to go to a different pub, by Borough Market, but the barstaff are infinitely more attractive at the other pub. Hence our decision. It is a nice pub though, with quite a lot of character. I'm no longer interested in the men there. That's because I went on a date with one of them. It went really well- or so I thought. But he has never called me again, so it clearly wasn't an enjoyable experience for both of us.

Before going to the pub, I went up to the fourth floor, taking the lift of course. The boys were playing cricket in the open plan area. Despite all three being aged about 30, they act like children. The image isn't much helped by the fact that they're all small. Their boss fits into the role of a dad perfectly. He's very camp, and mothers the boys.

One of them told me that earlier, him and the other boys had been throwing things over the toilet cubicle at their boss. Then they'd switched off the lights and run away. The boss heard someone in the cubicle next to him and threw a load of loo roll over the partition, thinking that it was one of the boys. As they were finishing of the cricket game, they decided to tell him that it wasn't in fact them, and that he had brought himself down to their level by throwing things at random people.

We walked over to the pub. I felt quite foxy in my knee high purple boots. I had already been the the loo to check my makeup, just in case the barman was there. On the way we made lots of innuendos and laughed like idiots. We walked into the pub, and of course the barman wasn't there. I'm starting to wonder whether he chooses his shifts deliberately so he doesn't see me. But I think that would take some actual thought about me, which I won't flatter myself by thinking of.

T and I got some wine. It tasted of vinegar. It was pretty much the worst wine I have ever tasted in my life. I still drank a bottle and a half of the stuff. By about 10:30 I was horrendously drunk, and had had random and potentially embarassing conversations with every single one of my workmates. I had also done some funny things- or, what I found to funny at the time. This included:

- doing impressions of our HR manager as a catwalk model
- wearing other peoples clothes
- orchestrating a photo shoot
- kissing one of my female colleagues
- throwing my arms around pretty much everyone
- mistaking my friends ex for some random guy at the bar, who she later went on to sleep with anyway, making it especially odd

There was other stuff too, but that will have to be written about later as I'm on the front desk and I keep being asked to do work. Part 2 has some juicy events that I shall revel in retelling.

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