Monday, February 19, 2007


Christ, I haven't written anything for ages. I haven't done anything particulrakly exciting in the meantime.

It turns out that the time I woke up in the bathroom, I hadn't been there all night. I was in there about 20 minutes, and I was talking to #5 the whole time. I can only think that I was sleepwalking, there is no logical explanation for why I would have taken my duvet in the bathroom and slept under the sink. Plus, I often talk in my sleep and surely if I can do that, I can walk? I only hope I have not been doing other crazy shit in my sleep. G always used to laugh at me when I talked in my sleep. Especially the time I called him a wanker. And the time when I fell out of bed onto a crate of beer and slept there.

I need to get dressed and go to school. I will write later, as I have plenty to say about my NEW CAREER and the HOT HOT ACTOR I SNOGGED. (not that I'm boasting obviously)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*waves at the lamb*

well come on then, who is the hot, hot actor? Is it someone famous? You shoulda got a picture on your mobile and flogged it to Heat for £250 in their "spotted" pages.

It's nice to hear (or rather read) you sounding more chipper. Keep it up.