Monday, February 06, 2006

My normal monday rambles

My god, that was a bit of a fucked up weekend, which I suppose is how I like it. I left work right after writing my last post about the thick Irish sausages (incidentally, no one believes me when I tell them about it. I’ve started taking the letter to the smoking room with me as it’s become something of a legend) and took the bus over to LSE for a friends leaving drinks. It was really cool as there were lots of people I hadn’t seen in ages. I couldn’t stay for long as I’d promised S that I would come round to hers before going to Camden. Still, it was nice to chat with people, especially the ones I hadn’t seen in a long time. It turns out the guy I kissed last weekend had been reading my blog and he- fairly inexplicably- said sorry to me. Not for reading it, though, I'm not really sure why.

At S’s, we attempted to drink the wine in the bar but it was so empty and soulless that we couldn’t face it, so we went upstairs. In the end, we sat in the common room, where a bunch of first years were playing computer games (on a Friday night!!). Our other friend SH was there, and she very kindly went to find us a corkscrew, as we hadn’t really thought of that- though she tried to convince us she’d taken the cork out with her teeth. I’m pretty gullible and so nearly believed her. In the end we managed to convince another girl to come out with us, and we headed to Camden.

We took the bus as I’m a cheapo and don’t live buying tickets for things when I could just get on a bendy bus and not pay. There were some fucking morons on the bus- these boys aged about 18 or so, who thought they were amazing. They were really geeky and probably liked wanky guitar music and games like warhammer. They laughed a bit like this: “snarf, snarf”

We went to the Wetherspoons I always end up going to when I go to Camden, and then on to the Barfly. At first glances, I couldn’t see any pretty indie boys, just lots of really pretentious boys with asymmetrical fringes. S made me go up to a boy at the bar and find out his name, as we suspected he was the drummer in Bloc Party (it was him, but I made a bit of a fool of myself). I wasn’t really that into the whole thing to begin with, but gradually I started enjoying myself a bit more. I had an argument with a stupid Austrian boy, who said something to his friend (in German) along the lines of “why are you talking to this stupid girl?” His friend told him that I was really nice and spoke good German, but he carried on being an arsehole so I called him a war criminal and a fascist (which, to be fair, is a fairly good description of many Austrian politicians, so I thought it would do for him). I pointed out a boy that I like to S, who went up to him and did the whole “my mate fancies you” thing. He was very cute. I don’t remember his name and S is convinced he was Jewish because of his hair (though she thinks everyone is Jewish, she has a bit of fetish for it). He came over and we chatted while listening to the band. Then the Bloc Party boy got up on stage and started dj’ing, which was so cool. He played a mix of Banquet and the Pussycat Dolls “Don’cha” (which I find a hilarious song after me, K and T once practiced pole dancing too in an attempt to woo the guy in my office- needless to say, I never actually showed him my pole dancing skills as I didn’t have THAT much of a desire to make an arse of myself). Anyway, it was just the coolest thing. My beautiful Jewish boy went off and I didn’t think he’d come back, but he did and we kissed. I’ve never kissed anyone like that before. It was like being in Sarajevo, it was so violent. He bit my neck so hard it was bleeding. I’m not actually joking. Even today you can still see the teeth marks. I look like Dracula’s illegitimate love child.

S kissed the boy from Bloc Party. Afterwards, he said, “Can I tell you something?”

“No,” she said. “I know what you’re going to say!”

“No you ddon’t, how can you?”

“I just do. Say it anyway if you like!”

“Okay,” he said. “Did you know you’re the first ethnic girl I’ve ever kissed?”

“I knew you were going to say that!”

I managed to lose all my friends and the beautiful boy came with me to find them, but I figured they’d left. The boy wanted to come back with me but I didn’t want to be eaten alive so I did a runner. That kinda sums me up though. I meet a very very cute boy, kiss him, do pretty dirty things with him on the dance floor (how teenage), let him BITE ME and then the moment I think he likes me, I do a runner.

I found the others in a noodle bar halfway down Camden High Street and we started walking back to halls. S was so pissed, and told me that she didn’t want me to stay round hers, which was a bit annoying as I’d planned to stay and really couldn’t face the long trek to south London. We got back and I went to get my stuff from S’s room. When I came downstairs, me and S started kissing again, and that delayed me for a good half hour or so. I think S is pretty much like me: she gets drunk and kisses people. I like kissing S, especially as she doesn’t bite me. She was ridiculously drunk, which is always quite funny. In the end, SH and I left and walked down to Oxford Street. She very kindly offered to let me stay at hers, but by this point I just wanted to go home. SH is convinced that I’m selling myself short (she may well be right) and told me so. She’s so adorable.

I had a date on Saturday night with C, the short Irish guy. I managed to be so disorganised that I didn’t have time to have a shower. My housemate and I came to the realisation that there was no way I was going to be able to disguise the vampire marks on my neck, even wearing a rollneck top. I was fashionably late, though luckily C was even more late. We met in Brixton, as he had a surprise planned for me. We ended up going to the theatre, which was really cool, as it was nothing like the theatre. Here’s a link to the company’s website:

The audience gets split up, so I wasn’t with C for most of the performance. My group was all girls, and we all bonded, as girls do. There was the most beautiful girl there, and we kept looking at each other in a kind of lustful-but-I’m-on-a-date-with-someone-else kind of way. Afterwards, C and I had a drink with two of the girls from my group, and I took one of the girls email address. C offered to cook me dinner, so we went back to his. His housemate has loads of really nice red wine, so we (I lie, it was mainly me) drank lots of it. I didn’t’ plan to stay the night, but I did, in the end, as I was a bit too drunk and we’d got talking about emotional kind of stuff. I quite like sleeping at his house anyway, as he has the best pillows in the world (John Lewis, £40, if anyone feels like being generous to an impoverished lamb!), and I was exausted anyway, having only had 4 hours sleep the night before.

Last night, I went out to this free night being held near Warren Street. I'd been texting R, someone I knew from uni, since Friday when I'd seen him for the first time in ages. We arranged to meet in Covent Garden, and went for some drinks. It was very strange- in a good way. He seemed quite spangled, having been in the pub all day, so when he kissed me, I didn't think anything would come of it. Not that anything really did come of it- if that makes sense. We went over to Warren Street (though we didn't make particularly good time, as we kept stopping to grope each other), and met the friends I'd arranged to meet. Obviously I was no lady, and we went back to mine (after a blow job on the tube, which I THINK no one saw...). I really let lust get the better of me- but I'm glad I did. I know that he would shag literally anything, but I really enjoyed myself, and even if I knew that all the things he was saying (eg. "I really like you", "You're really beautiful") were a crock of shit, it was nice to hear them.

This morning we woke up and had some excellent sex, as I'd told work I'd be in later. He left about midday (he said he'd call- we'll see) and I left a little later as I had to go to physiotherapy. My friend at work asked me how I felt about all the people I've slept with over the last week, and to be honest, I don't really know. Obviously, with G it's easy, as we know each other really well, and I know for sure that he's fairly useless. I did go out with him for a year, after all. C is more tricky, as I think he likes me more than I like him. And R, well, who knows. I'm pretty sure I just got played (not that I mind!), but you never know.

The same friend and I just had a really unintentioanlly loud conversation about oral sex in the smoking room, which I'm pretty sure the whole corridor heard. She told me the worst chat up line she'd ever had was: "Would you like to go to the bathroom with me?" Out of context it sounds so wrong; in context it still sounds pretty terrible.

Right now I'm in my old university library, which is a very odd experience. I had a suitably frustrating time trying to find any of the books I was looking for, and have only managed to find one. Better than none I suppose though. Now all I need to do is read it!!

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