Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A happy lamb!

I had the most productive day ever on Monday. There were only two of us in the office but I got through everything in the inbox, so I was pretty pleased with myself. Mainly because it meant that I felt completely justified in doing nothing all day yesterday, apart from waste time searching through the internet for amusing things, and attempting to stalk people.

On Monday, J was meant to come round, but he still wasn’t feeling well so he decided not to. I, of course, immediately got paranoid about whether he wanted to see me or not, but my housemates had some words with me and I stopped being stupid. He said that he’d come over on Tuesday instead, so I suppose I didn’t really have any grounds for worrying- not that that ever stops me! I had to call my ex to cancel dinner with him. To be honest, I was glad for an excuse, as I didn’t really want to see him. The last few times I’ve seen him, he’s been very rude to me, and he does nothing for my self-confidence. That’s really not what I need. Anyway, he’s leaving the country on Tuesday, so I won’t have to see him for a year or so. Hopefully in that time he will grow up, although I don’t think I’d want to be friends with him even then.

In the end, Monday evening was really nice, and pretty productive. I got home relatively early and made some food. It wasn’t the nicest food- I had to use up a whole leek, so it was mainly leek, with a little bit of pasta, garlic and mozzarella. My camper#1 (I have decided to call my housemates camper#1, #2 and #3 as I am sick of referring to people by an initial- it's confusing even me!) checked my personal statement for my masters application (which I need to send off today). Later in the evening, there was a documentary about Ian Brown on Radio One, which I really enjoyed. I love all of his music, and although it didn’t say a hell of a lot, or anything new at all, it was good to have a whole half hour devoted to him. I even managed to keep my room tidy!
As I mentioned, Tuesday at work was far from productive. I got a missed call from my mum at about midday, which was a bit odd, but it turns out she was in London for the afternoon, going to the theatre, and had some free time before the play started. As it was, I couldn’t meet her as I had my lunch really late. At lunch, I went into the kitchen to heat up the food I’d brought from home, and there was a vast amount of curry in the kitchen. A couple of people from my department came in, and started picking at bits. It all looked very oily, but I took some naan, and a little bit of rice. I’d actually brought in a curry with me, but mine was far nicer, and I got some envious glances as people tucked into their slimy curries. I don’t know where the curry came from. It was devoured pretty quickly, actually. People in this office are like vultures sometimes.

Anyway, much time wasting, emailing and semi-stalking later (oh yeah, and a bit of work), I headed home. No one was there when I arrived home, so I listened to music really loudly to try and calm my nerves. Of course, right then, my housemates got back from work. I drank tea and chatted, wishing I’d given more thought to what on earth we were going to eat that night. S sent me some text messages, asking if I wanted to go out for a drink, which I thought was a bit odd seeing as last time I heard from her, she had decided to give up drinking. She didn’t seem very impressed that I already had plans, and moaned that everyone she knew was at home, cooking dinner for their boys. I hope she’s okay and not too pissed off. I got another text much later on (I left my phone in my room when I was cooking) saying simply ‘I’m fed up’, which doesn’t bode too well. I will make sure to call her tonight.

J finally arrived and we treated ourselves to a bottle of wine that- shock horror- cost more than the normal three pounds. It’s amazing how you can taste the difference. I’m so used to drinking vinegar that to drink something that wasn’t breaking trading standard regulations calling itself ‘wine’ was brilliant. I had a really good time with J. We didn’t really do anything, but we get on well pretty effortlessly. I started cooking, but I freaked out a little as he’s a really good cook and I was sure that he would think my food was awful. He assured me that all I needed was confidence, and he helped me to make it. It was far nicer than I thought it would be. Normally I cook, yes, but it’s more like throwing ingredients together into a pan, which isn’t quite the same as cooking a proper dish. I think I should not be so scared of more ‘difficult’ seeming recipes, as I’m sure they’re not so hard after all. J also told me that I should use salt in my food, rather than studiously avoid it, as it enhances flavours and so on. I suppose if I ever want to know how to cook properly, I should.

After we’d eaten, and watched the last part of the football, we watched some of ‘Peep Show’. I still find it really funny, even though I’ve seen it a fair few times. J hadn’t seen the first series, which is the one I have. I can’t decide which episodes I like the best. I think the one where they go to the Superbowl, probably. I managed to spill wine on my bed, but only a little splash went on the brand new bedcovers, thankfully.

Before J had come round, I’d been a bit stressed, as I was running low on condoms, and I really begrudge buying them when you can get them for free at the doctors surgery. I mentioned this to camper#1, who said that she had some, and that next time I go to the doctors, I could just get some for her. Then of course, I completely forgot about it. In the end, it wasn’t a problem, but this morning I noticed that I had a text message from her telling me that she’d put a condom out on her shelf in the bathroom. We obviously look like really classy ladies in our house!!

This morning I woke up with J still hugging me, which was lovely. I let my alarm go on snooze for a while, and then realised that that was really inconsiderate, and got up, made tea and had a shower. J managed to sleep through all of this, though his defence (that my bed was just TOO comfortable) was pretty good, so I’ll let him off. He told me that I was having the “breakfast of champions, albeit unhealthy champions” (ie. cup of tea and a cigarette). Slightly late, but no more so than on a normal day (I’m late for work four days out of five, so I guess they’re used to it. I’m normally only 15 minutes late or so, which isn’t horrendous, I reckon), we went to the train station, where we saw one of the Orient Express style trains. Apparently the steam train I saw on Saturday wasn’t such an anomaly- it was part of the Orient Express group of trains. The one today was going to Bath for the day. My internet research shows that this is a £280 day trip. Extortionate.

At Elephant J went to get the bus back to his and I headed off to work. I wanted to skip up the road but decided not to just in case he saw me and thought I was a lunatic. I suppose that you could say that I’m a very happy lamb today!

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