Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What kind of a university...

What kind of a university sends out an email like this:

I regret to have to inform you that there have been a number of incidents during 24 hour opening of the library that has caused a great deal of concern.

Students are reminded that sleeping in the library, and the consumption of food and drink is not allowed.

It's not like the old days, I'm telling you. I remember eating a curry in the library (with pasta, cos we'd run out of rice and had neither the time nor money to buy anymore) and then going to sleep in my sleeping bag under a table. I have come to the conclusion that although SOAS seems (and is in many, many ways) more relaxed than LSE, LSE is much more sleep-friendly.

University generally has turned into an unmitigated disaster. I'm looking at re-takes. My Chinese teacher is looking at me crying in his office. It's not looking great.

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