Friday, May 12, 2006

I heart dragons

I want to go here:

I went years ago and it’s fucking cool. You can climb up the rocks, and it’s the most fun, especially when it’s really sunny. Does anyone fancy a trip up to North Yorkshire in the summer so I can fulfil my rock climbing urges? If I remember rightly there are loads of different rock formations and a couple of ice cream vans, so to be honest, I can’t see that there’d be a problem.

I have no idea why I’m thinking about climbing rocks today, as my feet are killing me. At ballet last night I decided to wear the shoes that make my feet work really hard, and fucking hell, they do make them work. For the last 15 minutes I put my normal shoes back on because I was a bit worried about the giant blister forming on the heel of my foot. I managed to get all the way home without it popping (even though R kicked my foot for some reason I can’t remember) and then showed JA (who said I was disgusting) and N (who just looked slightly horrified). I don’t know why I just shared that with you all. I have left out the really gruesome details because public perception of me is looking about as flimsy as Charles Kennedy’s efforts to stay out of the pub.

Progress on the CV is looking fairly minimal. Today I have read a story about tarantulas that grow in cacti, as well as a number of articles about Popworld. I also made up loads of facts when telling my colleagues about some recent court ruling because I couldn’t be bothered to look it up, and as a result they now believe that Mauritius is very close to Indonesia. Serves them right for believing a word I say. I have also been practicing writing with my left hand. Yes, I’m that bored.


Anonymous said...

haha! and 'eew'. you wally!
Can I come to Yorkshire with you to climb rocks? fun.

I have to tell you the Popworld man bought me champagne and said I have elegant fingers story now - The man of popworld fame bought me a bottle of champagne once and said I had elegant fingers.

Im bored too.

Anonymous said...

"Many of the gritty monstrosities suggest all manner of things, including elephants, hippos, bears, mushrooms and some are said to have associations with druids, Mother Shipton and even the Devil himself"

What a load of shite.

Pottachan said...

Yeah, the website is a bit rubbish. The wikipedia entry is better and less full of full on shite. Of course you can come to yorkshire with me. I'll hire a car and we'll tear shit up, to use the parlance of our time.

Simon Amstell bought you champagne?? Bloody 'ell. That's cool.

Anonymous said...

yeah and I put orange juice it and he was very annoyed indeed and I said Im sorry for being common and he said the next round was on me and then I wondered off. It was a good night.

Where else can we tear shit up?. Yayness, more planning is required, but for now I have to go and fail my exams.

Pottachan said...

I think we should do a tour of all the National Trust properties in the country. That would be sweet. Or there's this amazing stately home we went to once and they have a giant maze and this adventure playground with walkways and stuff literally tens of metres above the ground.

Of course I was much younger then so it's probably shit now, but if I find out where it is, do you want to come and shatter my childhood dreams with me?

Anonymous said...

Yes please! That sounds so fun! Especially because we'lldo it whilst drunk, like we do most things and shattering peoples childhood dreams is my reason for being.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.