Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Just another tuesday night in the Hill

What a weird fucking night. Or a weird day even. This morning I woke up and tried to get the ex-glastonbury people out of their beds and onto trains and to work, but they were still pissed. It was quite a challenge. I had to brush #1's hair and get her bag ready. Then just as I was getting in the shower the phone rang, and it was my mum, who said that my uncle died on Sunday. He had been very ill (stomach cancer), and there was nothing else they could do. Last time I knew he had a few months to live, but I guess it was sooner :( I'm not sad for him, as he's not in pain anymore, but I am sad for my cousins, and for my mum. She already lost her elder sister, and now one of her little brothers. It must really make you reflect on your own mortality. I'm not going to the funeral as it's in Ireland and the plane tickets are astronomical, but my mum will be there.

This evening we unpacked all the glasto stuff and washed stuff. The tent is on the line as we speak, and the balcony is awash with a nasty muddy cowpat type water. We recreated a bit of the old festival spirit by dancing on the balcony and singing along to Hot Chip and generally being a bit lairy. But we had cups of tea, and then ate sundried tomatoes, so probably less glastonbury and more Big Chill (described once as people sitting in a field reading the Guardian).

After dinner something else happened that makes me worry but I'm not going to say anything more about it at the moment, as it may be nothing (I sincerely hope it is nothing) but may be quite serious. So I'm worrying.

Later on, #1 and I were smoking a cigarette out of my bedroom window, when we heard some weeping. It sounded like it was coming from out the back of our block, on the road, but we couldn't see as there is a temporary hoarding in the way. There was definitely a voice saying "help me, please someone, help me" - but people were walking along the road and didn't stop. We got #5, and she agreed that it was definitely a voice, wimpering and sounding very upset. So we did what anyone else (I hope) would have done, and got the torch (to hand, thanks to glastonbury!) and went down the fire exit onto the street. There was a girl, about 20 years old, sitting on the small wall (in front of the hoarding), crying her eyes out. We sat down next to her and asked if she was okay, and could we help... I'm none the wiser as to why she was so upset, other than that she had been somewhere and a man had come at her but was now gone, and she had been frightened and thrown all her stuff in the road, and that God would protect her. #5 and I went up the road to collect all of her belongings, and tried to find out where she was going (she wouldn't tell but said God would provide) and to see if we could call someone for her. In the end, she had calmed down a lot and thanked us, and we hopefully saw her on her way.

It does make me think that the world is a strange place if a young girl can be crying in the road and no one will stop to help.

In other news, I am very happy. #1 has told me not to be so happy and to keep my feet on the ground. Not because I am unlikeable (as I'm not - I'm very likeable, I think) but because we all know what it's like to be hurt. But that can't stop the smile I have had almost constantly (internally or externally) for the last two days.

Tomorrow is #1's birthday and #5 and I are cooking dinner. Hopefully it will be a lovely birthday for her as she really deserves it.

My god can you sense me feeling the love for everything at the moment? Haha, this can't last before we see a return to the manic depressed me we all love so well. I hope not.

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