Friday, June 01, 2007

Are you kidding, he looks 18 and he's wearing jazz shoes!

It's been ages since I updated this. I'd like to say that it's because I've been having a really awesome time doing all sorts of things, but in reality I've not. I've just been lazy.

Last night we went to GAY and I didn't pull, though RF licked my face and touched my breasts. Bless him, he has no idea about women (he paid me a high compliment when he said he thought of me almost like a man) and had to ask where the nipple would be. In some ways that's quite sweet but I do worry that it's not completely obvious.... Didn't we learn that stuff in biology? Though clearly what I remember from biology is very different from what men remember (for further proof see: oral sex). Anyway, good semi-clean fun and an amusing night out.

I went to the hospital and my consultant was away so I saw the registrar, but he said my scans are inconclusive (to him at least, but he's not a specialist) although it does seem I have some sort of growth on my bone. We had an argument about whether they should give me steroid injections in my bum, then I left.

I have various other things to write but a) I can't becuase I'm about to go out, and b) I can't because it would get me in trouble with people (because of who I want to write about, and what I would write). For once this doesn't mean I've been secretly shagging people I shouldn't, it just means that I can't write about how let down and disappointed I feel in full without getting myself in trouble.

Anyway. I need to stop ignoring my phone and emails. But first I need a bath/bottle of wine. I'm going to a party and I'm going to wear a dress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never write about who you have been shagging!! It always comes back to bite you in the arse IME :(