Thursday, April 13, 2006

all is full of love

Without wanting to boast or anything, I am extremely excited today because N is now officially my boyfriend!! I am happier than I have ever been and I have been wandering around the office with a big dopey smile on my face. Words cannot really explain how I’m feeling right now. If I had a camera with me I would take a picture and post it on here, but I worry that people might retch on their keyboards. It is quite a cheesy smile.

Today is going so slowly because the only thing I can think of is being in N’s arms.

It’s my friends last day and we had some drinks and food and stuff in the boardroom. Thankfully he declined to give a massive speech (like one leaving party I went to, which bored the life out of me- it went on so long that I managed to drink a bottle of wine and then I wandered around being mildly offensive to all and sundry). There’s nothing like a glass of cava at midday. Now I’m feeling quite sleepy because of that one drink. Plus, it’s fucking boring here today.

On the downside, I had a weird phone call with #1 earlier on, who said that someone had left the gas on on the hob, and did I know anything about it. I pointed out that I was last at the flat on Tuesday for about an hour and a half and that I wouldn’t leave the gas on anyway. Do I look like a ditsy blonde? No, that’s the other housemates. I told her about N and she told me I should come home (even though she’s going to Newcastle tonight). I think she is annoyed with me. I really don’t want her to be. If she leaves that flat- which is a very real possibility what with her applying for jobs in Newcastle- then I will move out. It would be too rubbish without her.

So last night I was sick at a bus stop. Pure class. Some work people went out for some drinks at the Porter and I was a bit of a gobshite. Still, it’s nice to see people from work when not at work, and it was for the guy who’s leaving, to say bye and everything. We used to all go out every Friday but that kind of trailed off when T left. T was there last night and came out with some classics (such as: “I really like plane crashes. Obviously I prefer it when it’s a near miss because I’m human after all”) though nothing quite in the league of the brussell sprout joke the other month, when I seriously thought I would die laughing. Anyway, N came along and everyone loved him. Of course! I was very happy and when he looked at me I wanted to clap my hands and do silly things. The others stayed out til about 3am and look really rough today, but we went back to Peckham. I had to get off the bus a few stops early so I could throw up at the bus stop. Which I thought was pretty gross but N must really love me because it was after that that he told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Then I didn’t care that I’d been sick by the side of the road in the style of an asbo’d youth because I was so happy. So me and N are officially going out now, which is exciting and very cool and makes me grin like an idiot.

Me = totally and utterly irrevocably smitten. There's no way I could express in words how I feel inside.

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