Is it just me or did Kimi Raikkonen get fat?
In other news, I have hurt my leg in one of the most comedy accidents of the year, and I am not looking forward to explaining to the doctor what happened. Hilarity.
I have so much work to do for uni. I think I might be a bit stupid.
why dont you hang out with me anymore you bastard.
lots of love,
I'm sorry. Do you want to drink tea on Thursday? Maybe do something on Friday? I have a present for you xxx
Present? Me?! For?!
Is it a slap because I called you a bastard. Im very sorry. Its just such a funny word. And has lost all offensive capacity in lancashire where its the penultimate word in every bastard sentence.
But thanks! Aw thanks! Ive always considered you to be an enchanting young woman. (FYI If you have a lesbian affair together now I'll slit my wrists)
Tea equals winner equals ace. Also - Wagner lecture at british museum thurs, let me know if you want to join for that, and my quest to be the most boring woman on earth.
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