Thursday, October 19, 2006


Why is it that when I swim, I can't see properly for an hour afterwards? Chlorine is the stuff of the devil. Are there any non-chlorinated pools in London? At least it's not as bad as the pool on Roman Road which made me feel sick even cycling past. Moral of the story - don't go to pools that people piss in. I need to stop associating with the underclasses, for the sake of my contact lenses at least.

I pulled a muscle in my leg when I fell off the chair laughing at naked #1. As if that wasn't divine retribution enough, my hip is so painful that I can hardly sit still in class and why oh why is co-proxamol banned now? That shit is good. Thank god I have a stash. Hahaha. And I have a cold. I am seriously STUFFED full of snot. I am going to die alone.

On the plus side... I dunno. I am trying to think of things but I keep being distracted by blowing my nose and the fact that the boy is sitting behind me. Oh yeah, plus side, my hanzi are improving and I translated some of a big long text today.

Other plus side: I am going to see an educational psychologist and I have been classified, courtesy of the disability office, as having multiple disabilities. I find this in some ways amusing, but in some ways quite galling. I am not disabled. I used to be ill, I'm not now (I'm just fat). But hokay, fine, classify me, go on, I dare you... Now can I have free photocopying and a laptop and a dictaphone? And a new print cartridge for my printer at home cos although my brother told me shaking it works, it still prints in a rather fetching shade of grey. I'm kinda telling everyone about my "multiple disabilities" because it makes it funny rather than desperately, desperately sad. In the same way that SB told everyone about buying the Britney Spears album - you have to reappropriate the negative images that are forced upon you. Though on the grand scheme of things, it's kinda different. Like, how do I tell my parents? (answer: I don't)

If I see that slut anywhere, I will kick her head. So I am not going to Gay Against You (sorry, JS), cos we don't want murder on the dance floor, now do we?

Hang on. What the fuck. I'm off to have words. Sort it aht.


Anonymous said...

I am not going either. I keep missing your calls but i am in the lib though so if you are at soas please to be coming and studying with me.

Pottachan said...

Hah no, I am keeping well away from everything to do with LSE. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I wondered why you were avoiding my calls and then I thought OH YEAH and now okay, that's fine. Stop touching that dirty hippy. I'm going to bed and if I ever wake up, that will be an eternity too soon.