Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Why does everyone keep biting me?

I just wanted to ask the question: why do I keep being bitten? As if it's not bad enough that I'm always being bitten by insects, people like biting me too. Which I think is quite funny, as I'm always being told that I have very soft skin. Why would anyone want to hurt me?! C always tries to bite me, and once left proper teeth imprints on my back. I didn't realise until my housemate pointed it out.

Oh- on the plus side, there is a photo of my neck on Friday night in existence. I'm trying to get hold of it and I will post it up here. I vaguely remember seeing it on Friday and thinking how gross it was. As I'm such a caring individual, I will let you all see it. I wouldn't want you to go without, now, would I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must be a complicated conspiracy to send you to an early grave - plotters, aware of your vegetarianism after hours of careful blog research, suspect you may be anemiac and believe that if they break your skin, using passion as a subtle subterfuge, the bite may not heal, leaving you to bleed to death in a moment of post coital bliss, indifferent to your fatal plight.

I'd start looking over your shoulder if i was you. ;)