Monday, February 20, 2006

ha ha ha

I just had a funny but ultimately weird and disturbing moment. Despite the fact that I am rushed off my feet today (obviously not literally, I am sitting down), I managed to find a moment to go through all the various bits and bobs that I always do on the internet: namely myspace and facebook (there’s nothing like a bit of cyber stalking to help pass the day). Anyway, I was trying to do it subtly, and I was doing quite a good job until I read something so funny that I just knew that if I wasn’t careful, I would burst out laughing and give the game away…

I can’t write it down, as I will just start laughing again. Also, it’s about someone who (I think) reads this blog, and I don’t know how impressed they would be to read about me finding their life quite so hysterical.

What I had to do to stop myself from laughing was pinch my nose and cover my mouth. Yeah, it prevents breathing, but if you can’t breathe, you can’t laugh. It kinda backfired as it made my ears go pop. I really should try and find other ways of not laughing at work. Last week I was (yet again) wasting time on wikipedia and had to disguise a laugh as a sneeze. I don’t know what I was laughing at- I think it might have been South Park. I haven’t dared go back and read the myspace message that started all of this.

Another random thing- clearly I was more drunk than I thought last night, as I’ve managed to burn my hand. I was taking some sausage rolls out of the oven for my housemate (which is an indication that I was pissed, as surely otherwise I would not have touched any meat based products), and yet again, stuck my hand straight onto the grill. I quite clearly have no spatial perception.

This morning at work has been alternately fine and annoying. It’s not been too busy, but there’s only two of us in, as one is ill and the other is in Norway. And then I keep being asked to do things for other people. Wow, that sounds like I’m a really mean person. I’m not!! I’m just not paid enough to give a shit, and I tend to use work as a means to spend all day on the internet… and maybe do a LITTLE bit of work. In the press meeting this morning we were discussing the police officers who were docked three days pay instead of being sacked for gross misconduct (for racist emails they’d been sending- or something- I wasn’t listening all that closely). The thing I was most interested in was that three days pay was £320. That’s more than I get a week!! I really do need to stop pissing around and get another job.

Right, back to my enormous pile of letters and emails (I do really work quite hard, it’s just far more rock and roll to pretend I don’t).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like reading your blog. It's makes me wistful for my mis-spent youth when I wasn't having half as much fun as you are now (although I still manage it)

Your stuggles with your mood - the paranoia, lack of belief in self, depression makes me sad though, cos it reminds me of me. And without wanting to sound all motherly and boring, copious amounts of booze and chang aren't really going to help, are they?

Look after yourself little lady!