Wednesday, November 23, 2005

There's nothing nicer than...

Actually, there are plenty of things that are nicer. But I do love the smell of fabric conditioner, and nice clean clothes in general. I was drying some clothes on the radiator in my room, and when I woke up this morning there was a lovely smell... I don't know what it reminds me of, as when I was growing up we never had the radiators on, let alone clothes drying on them (they were usually outside). But it really is a lovely smell, it makes me want to snuggle. I think that I have an inbuilt snuggle reflex. If there is something that I can snuggle into, I will give it a go, whatever it is!!

Brushing my teeth is another of my favourite things. It's strange, as I never think it's going to be that much fun, but once I start, I can't stop. I have a pretty cool pink toothbrush, which makes it extra fun. Sometimes I get a bit carried away. My ex used to make me stop after 10 minutes of brushing as he said I'd brush my teeth away. I do really enjoy it though. My toothbrush is battery operated, so my teeth get extra clean, and I make sure I brush every possible bit of tooth. I think I'm so obsessive about this because I have a real fear of my teeth falling out. Sometimes I have dreams where all my teeth are wobbly, and I have to try and push them back in. I wake up feeling so relieved that I still have teeth in my mouth. So now I brush my teeth for... hmm, sometimes I guess it's up to half an hour a day. That's pretty bad. But that's with flossing and everything (I have very cramped teeth so flossing is very difficult). And then to finish off, I use mouthwash. There's nothing like this rigmarole to set you up for the day. I don't know why I've just written so much about brushing my teeth.... I think I only realised how much I like it this morning, so excuse my enthusiasm.

Listening to music outside in the cold is something else that I really like. By this, I don't mean a sort of winter-glastonbury experience. It's more of a listening-to-mp3-while-sitting-at-the-train-station kind of experience. It combines two of my fabourite things- 1) listening to music, and 2) that feeling in your cheeks when it's cold but you have a nice warm scarf on.

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