And now I am ill. I have swollen glands and a sore throat and I am feeling very sorry for myself. I want to curl up under my duvet and watch dvd's until I feel better but instead I am staring at blank word documents and feeling miserable about the fact that my dissertation is rubbish.
When I am not doing my dissertation I am quite miserable as well, as now everyone is leaving and it's really sad. On friday night I cried and poor J looked after me. He's so lovely. I really didn't want him to see me being all emotional and rubbish, but he was so nice to me. But I guess it's only going to get worse because soon everyone will go and it will just be me - and by then, I will only have one leg. Boo.
Work is quite stressful too at the moment. I cut my arm carrying cardboard boxes and got cramp in my hands from holding down Ctrl + V. I really am feeling sorry for myself, I do apologise.
On a good note, in the last two days I have received TWO parcels in the post! Yesterday's didn't get delivered and is waiting for me at the sorting office (it's the dvd's and cd I ordered), but todays is lovely lovely (the book I left at J's at the weekend).
Also, look at what we managed to do to a tyre!! Breaking down on the motorway is surprisingly more fun than it used to be as a kid.

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