Saturday, January 13, 2007

A message I recieved this afternoon

In life we must produce and deal with substantial amounts of bullshit. Part of this process invloves lying, being lied to and tolerating or feigning tolerance for people who, in an ideal world, would be strangled at birth. If you know of an alternative to this perspective please let me know. Otherwise perhaps you could at least pretend you like my friends. I mean if I can do it I'm sure you can. Hope you're well.

This is bollocks, right? Firstly, what the fuck, who are you to tell me how I should act? Secondly, don't be a hypocrite and say YOU can do something when clearly you have TOLD ME that you have done the absolute opposite. Thirdly, what is this sanctimonious attitude?? I'm sorry I didn't like your friends - they were boring. That girl looked a fucking state as well and if I had to draw a picture of desperation, it might look like her (good teeth though). I wasn't rude to her. I did talk to your friends, even the one who was wearing 1980s aerobics clothes. I was civil. But that's as much as you're going to get out of me, especially on a Friday night, especially in Shoreditch, especially considering all the things that don't need to be said.

I don't know. You know, I'm SO SORRY I'm a social retard. You know me, you know how I am. You even pointed out that I change from one thing to another so you damn well do know how it is. If you bought anything I said about how happy I am and how I'm "an amazing human being" then more fool you as I only say that because it's a very very old in-joke and for fuck's sake, open your eyes, is this really a happy face? Yeah, I can be a bitch. So can you. So can everyone.

Anyway, I totally disagree with the whole idea of tolerating people. Why not be around people you actually like? I'm not being paid to talk to these people, it's not WORK godammit. Social niceties are a load of bollocks - why not be nice to nice people and mean to mean people? I'm fucking CIVIL to people I don't like. I would do anything for my friends. I'm not a bad person. Don't castigate me for having opinions that you don't like.

Next Friday I think I'll stay in and do my TAX RETURNS.


Anonymous said...

That guy is talking total bollocks, of course. You don't have a duty to pretend to like the naff twentysomethings who infest fair London town.

Anonymous said...

'I'm sorry I didn't like your friends - they were boring. That girl looked a fucking state as well and if I had to draw a picture of desperation, it might look like her

Harhar. What be all this palaver about anyway? ill call you tonight have a cuppa tea and rollie poised, "potta"